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H(4) Litter, Lexi X Porter
this litter is Sold
H(4) litter pedigree
We have very high expectations for this breeding between Ruby Rocks Lexi and Three Devils Porter. Lexi is on loan to us from Richard and Denise Nugen (Ruby Rocks Kennel of Spokane, WA). Porter is a very promising young male owned by Tom Segal of Ontario, OR. Lexi and Porter both come from long lines of outstanding versatile hunting dogs.
Dam: Ruby Rocks Alexandria (Lexi)
VHDF HAE: 67 (96%)
VHDF AHAE: 175 (97%)
VHDF Conformation and Structure Evaluation: Structure-Very Good 10, Conformation-Very Good 10 (100%)
SIZE: 59cm tall by 61cm long. Weight 53 Pounds
COAT and COLOR: Medium Short length, Black and White Roan, Dense and Harsh
HIPS: PennHIP L .24 R .24 (greater than 90%)
I have hunted and trained with Lexi for years and she is clearly a special dog. I have always felt that she could be an important contributor to the breed; however, It has taken me several years to convince Lexi's REAL owner, Lunden Nugen, to give us permission to breed her. Lunden who is Richard and Denise Nugen's daughter is pictured below with her dog Lexi. I know full well why Lunden loves Lexi so much. Not only is she a fun and exciting dog to hunt behind, she is one of the most cooperative dogs I have seen in action. Lexi is out of two of the all-time highest scoring VHDF dogs in the system: Jana v den Drei Teufeln also known as Ruby who scored HAE 75 or 107%, AHAE 185 or 103% and PE 200 or 100%. and Ingo v den Drei Teufeln also known as Angus who scored HAE 67 or 96%, AHAE 192 or 107%, and PE 174 or 87%.

Sire: Three Devils Porter
VHDF HAE: 69 (99%)
VHDF AHAE: 160 (89%)
VHDF Conformation and Structure Evaluation: Structure- Good 8, Conformation- Good 8 (80%)
SIZE: 64cm tall by 65cm long. Weight 62 Pounds
COAT and COLOR: Medium length, Brown and White Roan, Medium Dense and Medium Harsh
HIPS: PennHIP L .31 R .28 (greater than 80%)
Porter is an impressive versatile hunting dog. He has one of the hardest driving searches and the most intense point you will see in the German Wirehaired Pointer breed. He is exactly the type of dog we always strive to produce. He is a calm and gentle dog at home around other animals and people, but once unleashed in the field he always performs at 100 percent and does not quit. His mother is a German import, Delta vom Bandorfer Forst also known as Rabe. Rabe is the highest scoring PE dog in the VHDF system with 213 points out of 200 possible. His father comes from our world renowned Salty Pete line. We are planning several litters out of Porter this year.
I(4) Litter, Greta X Porter
Our I litter will be a rare opportunity to get a pup out of one of the best bred females in the country. We have bred Piper v. den Drei Teufeln (Greta) to Three Devils Porter. Greta is a brother to Lager v. den Drei Teufeln (Luke) and is on loan to us from Stephen Adamson from Jackson WY.
Dam: Piper v. den Drei Teufeln (Greta)
VHDF HAE: 68 (97%)
VHDF Conformation and Structure Evaluation: Structure-Greta has not be formally rated in conformation and structure; however, I feel that her rating would be similar to that of her brother Luke who is rated Excellent (12) (12). She is extremely well put together as you can see from her photos.
SIZE: 60cm tall by 60cm long. Weight 56 Pounds
COAT and COLOR: Medium Short length, Black and White Roan, Dense and Very Harsh
Greta's owner, Stephen Adamson, and his family are all long time, hard core, bird hunters. I have received dozens of calls from friends of Stephen inquiring about pups based on Greta's performance. I was aware of her potential since I had the pleasure of training her several years ago and she was a delight to work with. Intense point, hard search, strong water drive, great nose and super demeanor are all part of her character. In this case though, the sheer number of times I heard "Greta is THE best bird dog I have ever seen" was very unusual and was a strong indication of just how gifted she is as a versatile hunting dog. When Stephen called last year and asked me if I wanted to breed Greta because of all the reasons mentioned above; my first thought was it would be hard to breed a spayed female. I always wanted to have a litter from Greta, but I assumed she was spayed because Stephen had mentioned it in the past. To my surprise and delight Stephen said "that he never spayed her because she is the best all around bird dog he had ever hunted with.........etc. etc", same story as above. There seems to be a pattern here. "Greta has been a fantastic dog. She is excellent in the field, but is also very calm around the house and tolerates to my two young daughters. I would like another just like her." Let's just say that 2015 is the year of special litters. First Lunden capitulated on breeding Lexi, and then Santa delivered a superlative present in the form of an offer from Stephen to have a litter from Greta. Stay tuned, the next litter is pretty dang good too.

Sire: Three Devils Porter
VHDF HAE: 69 (99%)
VHDF AHAE: 160 (89%)
VHDF Conformation and Structure Evaluation: Structure- Good 8, Conformation- Good 8 (80%)
SIZE: 64cm tall by 65cm long. Weight 62 Pounds
COAT and COLOR: Medium length, Brown and White Roan, Medium Dense and Medium Harsh
HIPS: PennHIP L .31 R .28 (greater than 80%)
Porter is an impressive versatile hunting dog. He has one of the hardest driving searches and the most intense point you will see in the German Wirehaired Pointer breed. He is exactly the type of dog we always strive to produce. He is a calm and gentle dog at home around other animals and people, but once unleashed in the field he always performs at 100 percent and does not quit. His mother is a German import, Delta vom Bandorfer Forst also known as Rabe. Rabe is the highest scoring PE dog in the VHDF system with 213 points out of 200 possible. His father comes from our world renowned Salty Pete line. Here is what Tom has to say about Porter: "Porter is a high octane dog in the field but turns it off at home, happy to lounge around on days off." "Porter will range out in chukar and hun country often covering 4 to 5 times the amount of ground I do, finding birds quicker than other dogs we hunt with and finding more birds than other dogs we hunt with."
"Porter is quick to tighten up his range in pheasant country." "Porter loves water and will absolutely pound frigid January water to retrieve ducks."
Litter, Smoke X Flint Litter
My powers of persuasion must be improving as I was finally able to get permission from my wife to breed her favorite dog Three Devils Rising Smoke. We considered breeding Smoke to Lager v. den Drei Teufeln (Luke) who is currently one of the best producing stud dogs in the country. As a breeder with a long term vision you must be careful not to back (or breed) yourself into a corner. Our kennel and some the other top kennels have used Luke frequently of late. Another option that will give us more breeding options with the pups of this litter in the future is to use a similar dog with some different ancestors in the pedigree. We found the perfect solution in Jeff Paulus's young male Flint. Thunderhill's Flint is out of our Luke, and Jeff's great female VC Thunderhill's Belle who goes back to one of the breed's great producing females VC Thunderhill's Echo.
Dam: Three Devils Rising Smoke
VHDF HAE: 74 (106%)
VHDF AHAE: 165 (92%)
VHDF Conformation and Structure Evaluation: Structure-Very Good 9, Conformation-Very Good 9 (90%)
SIZE: 60cm tall by 61cm long. Weight 57 Pounds
COAT and COLOR: Medium Length, Brown and White Roan, Dense and Medium Harsh
HIPS: PennHIP L .29 R .29 ( 90%)
Smoke is an extremely talented and intelligent dog as indicated by her 74 out of 70 possible points in the VHDF HAE test, which is the 2nd highest score in the system to date. Heidi picked Smoke to replace our previous constant companion and house dog Salty, who went over the Bridge in April of 2014 at the seasoned age of 18 years old. Smoke has fit in perfectly and is the epitome of a Three Devils Wirehair. She breezed through our formal testing requirements in the HAE and AHAE tests and loved every minute of it. Her search is large, fast, and busy, coupled with an incredibly intense point. Her nose is one of the best I have seen. Tracking wounded birds is easy for her, and she pounds the water willingly on command. Smoke learns tasks faster than almost any dog I have trained. She has a large vocabulary and once she learns something she does not forget it. Intense hunting machine in the field, and a wonderful animated, yet calm, companion at home is the best way to describe Smoke.

Sire: Thunderhill's Flint
NAVHDA NA: 108/112 @4.5 months
VHDF AHAE: 182/180 (102%)
VHDF Conformation and Structure Evaluation: Flint is a little too young to have his conformation fully evaluated but at this point he is looking very good to excellent.
SIZE: Height is approximately 25 Inches and weight 60-65 Pounds
COAT and COLOR: Medium Short, Black and White Roan, Dense and Harsh
HIPS: OFA Normal (Preliminary) Full Certification will be completed in March, 2015
Flint is owned by Jeff Paulus, Thunderhill Kennels, Superior, WI. Jeff has been breeding for 35 years and he believes that Flint is one of the best dogs he has ever had. Flint is very strong in all the versatile dog subjects and is a well balanced and extremely hard working dog that gives 110 percent, 100 percent of the time. Jeff notes in particular his work ethic and high level of cooperation, both attributes that we have noted in his father, Lager v. den Drei Teufeln (Luke), I had the pleasure to watch Flint run his VHDF AHAE in Minnesota last fall and I was particularly impressed with his intelligent use of nose and terrain. I predict Flint will become a very influential contributor to the breed over his lifetime.

J(4) Litter, Echo X Blitz
This Litter is Sold
Our K litter combines two of the valley's finest when it comes to German Wirehaired Pointers and Chukar hunting. Echo is owned by Mike Burden of Nampa, ID and Blitz belongs to Bradley Spencer of Middleton, ID. We are thankful to all the members of our extended GWP hunting community for their dedication and commitment to the sport and the breed. No one breeder can possibly keep and hunt enough dogs to maintain and improve a qualified gene pool of breedable dogs that meet all the minimum requirements. It takes a network of people to accomplish the best results. We are lucky to have a long tradition of hard core wild bird hunters in the Treasure Valley. We have also benefited from the work that we started back in 1988 to educate dog owners on the importance of investing in their future hunting companions by taking the extra steps now to make sure we are breeding the best to the best. By collecting data on measured results in performance, health, conformation and temperament; our local hunting community has built an exceptionally well-qualified gene pool of breed worthy German Wirehaired Pointers that will benefit them and many generations to come by ensuring high quality, robust and delightful hunting companions and pets. We would like to extend our many thanks to all our supporters, clients, VHDF, Snake River Versatile Gun Dog Club, PennHIP, and OFA for the work they do to enhance the quality of working dogs in North America.
Dam: Three Devils Umeko (Echo)
VHDF HAE: 64 (91%)
VHDF AHAE: 178 (99%)
VHDF Conformation and Structure Evaluation: Structure-Very Good 9, Conformation Very Good 9 (90%)
SIZE: 60cm tall by 61cm long. Weight 60 pounds
COAT and COLOR: Medium Short Length, Brown Roan, Dense and Medium Harsh
HIPS: PennHIP Normal L .40 and R. 33 (65%)
Echo is a powerful young female with outstanding abilities in the field and the marsh. She has a big running style excellent for Chukar hunting, with an ultra sensitive nose and very strong pointing instincts. Echo stands far off from her birds and has quickly learned to respect our current crop of very spooky wild bird populations which have been limited in number since she has been hunting. Echo also has a huge prey drive which makes her an outstanding retriever on land and in the water. She has been evaluated in the Versatile Hunting Dog Federation hunting aptitude testing system where she scored 10's and 11's in Nose, Search and Pointing. As a whole, Echo has scored in the 90th percentile in the VHDF evaluations. To view Echo's complete scores, click here. Echo's hips are certified HD free by PennHIP and rated L .40 and R .33 which is better than 60 percent of the dogs in the database. She is 59cm tall and 61cm long, weighs 60 pounds and has been rated Very Good in Structure and Conformation by the Versatile Hunting Dog Federation Conformation and Structure Evaluation program. Click here to see her full Conformation Evaluation results. Echo comes from a long line of talented and delightful hunting dogs and we are anxiously awaiting her pups. Many thanks to Mike and Tracy Burden for raising and training such a great dog.
Sire: Questor v. Den Drei Teufeln (Blitz)
VHDF HAE: 68 (97%)
VHDF AHAE: 168 (93%)
VHDF PE: 178 (89%)
VHDF Conformation and Structure Evaluation: Structure - Structure, Very Good 9, Conformation Very Good 10 (95%)
SIZE: 63cm tall by 63cm long. Weight 68 Pounds
COAT and COLOR: Short length-furnished , Black Roan, Dense and Harsh
HIPS: PennHIP Normal L .29 R .29 (>90%)
Blitz is owned, trained and hunted by Bradley Spencer of Middleton ID. Bradley did 100% of the training on Blitz. If you know anything about the VHDF hunt test and evaluation system, you will understand that this is an impressive accomplishment for both man and dog. I remember like it was yesterday when Bradley picked up Blitz from my home in the summer of 2009. I also remember that he purchased the puppy with his own savings....money he had stashed away form birthdays and summer jobs. I think he was 13 or 14 years old at the time. What a journey it has been. First Bradley handled Blitz to above 90 percentile scores in the both the VHDF Hunting Aptitude and the Advanced Hunting Aptitude Tests. Then, after a long and at times frustrating summer for boy and dog, Bradley and Blitz worked as a team to achieve a very good score in the most difficult one day versatile hunting dog test in North America: The VHDF Performance Evaluation. This grueling series of field and water tests not only evaluate the dog's hunting aptitudes but the performance of both the handler and dog. If you doubt the difficulty of this feat, I would challenge you to train your dog to such a high level, and then allow your team to be judged in the VHDF Performance Evaluation. Not many have risen to such a challenge. Back to Blitz. I have had the pleasure to hunt with him extensively over the last 5 years and he is quite simply one of the finest wild bird dogs I have had the pleasure to hunt behind. He is the type of dog that will grind it out day after day and his bird finding and handling skills are second to none. He is also a very accomplished waterfowl dog capable of long and challenging retrieves in the frigid January waters of Idaho. Bradley is now attending the University of Idaho while his father, Randy Spencer, has acquiesced to the arduous task of hunting Chukar behind Blitzy every weekend. Since this dog is known to have "legs of iron" and often covers 25-30 miles by way of Garmin GPS technology, I am only partly joking about Randy's involvement because his new duties may be more like work than fun at times. The good news for Randy is that he doesn't have to ask permission to take Blitzy to the field these days.